Thursday, June 16, 2011

Simple "Trash to Treasure" Project!

I was so struck by what beauty could be made of something most people use for about 30 seconds and then throw in the trash where it spends the rest of its life collecting dust and ants and probably many other unwanted things!

This idea comes from anthropologie, who has so many amazingly creative displays in their stores and windows!

How to do it?!
*All you need to do is be a major pop drinker (or just request to have all the recycled bottles from your work like I did!) These were actually harder to cut through than anticipated so I used an exacto knife to start the cut, then used scissors to cut the bottoms clean off. 
*Next, cut strips all around the bottle (it will look sort of like an octopus after this part, hehe) Curl back all of the "tentacles" by just wrapping each one around your finger. 
*Now you can get creative and shape them like petals. Then the fun part... painting!!
***Note: I used washable paints but some of them peeled after drying :/  I would recommend either acrylic paints or ideally - spray paint!

Ta Da!! Here is the beautiful, floating, recycled, flower garden that now brightens our room at the childcare center I work at. The kids love it and so do I. We're now collecting more bottles to make even more flowers!

Plastic bottles and flowers,

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